


导言:本文是一位知名的犹太拉比——格雷格·基利安(Greg Killian)写的关于数字十三的分析文章,原标题是《数字十三的含义》,这篇文章从多个层面深入分析了数字13和上帝的神秘关联。

作者直接说“HaShem is Thirteen”(上帝是十三),并且认为上帝(13)是“多”合为“一”的统一体,这些观点和我之前对13的认识具有惊人的相似性。我也曾经明确说上帝就是十三之象,并提供了更有力的论证以及重要证据,在我的相关文章中有论述。



The spiritual significance of the number thirteen (13), which as reflected by the thirteen attributes of Mercy (we will look at these attributes later), relates to a transcendent dimension of G-dliness. This transcendence enables one to infuse spirituality within our material world



Cube outline with numbers for each line outlining the cube.Twelve is the number of maximal differentiation. It is the number of lines that border a cube, and according to Chazal, all of reality.


Cube outline with numbers for each line outlining the cube.

The fact that the twelve are all connected in the center is the thirteenth. Thirteen is the number that bonds multiplicity into oneness. For example: There are twelve tribes that are bonded into their father Israel (Yaaqov). Israel is the thirteenth. The meaning of the number thirteen is the bonding of many into one.


Jews look to make many into one whilst the Gentiles look to make one into many. This is exemplified with the preeminent prayer of the Jews, the Shema, which speaks of HaShem being one; while the Gentile’s preeminent theology is the trinity, in which they make HaShem into three gods. Thus the Goyim have a superstition that the number thirteen is bad, whilst the Jews see the number thirteen as very good.


HaShem is Thirteen 上帝是13

The number thirteen is among the holiest of the numbers because it is closely associated with HaShem.Devarim (Deuteronomy) 6:4 Hear, O Israel: HaShem our God, HaShem is one:


The above verse, from the Shema, tells us a very important relationship:The Shema is recited twice a day, by observant Jews, to obey the Torah command as found in the Shema itself. The goal of the Shema is not just to declare that HaShem is one, but rather to declare that HaShem is one and there is nothing in existence besides Him. The world and everything around us, is just an extension of HaShem.

这篇来自《示玛》祈祷书,向我们揭示了一个非常重要的关系:上帝 = Echad(意思是唯一或者统一)。虔诚的犹太人每天都会诵读两次《示玛》祷文,这是遵循《托拉》(希伯莱圣经)的教导。正如《示玛》本身所要求的那样,目标不仅仅是宣告上帝是唯一和统一的,还要宣告除祂之外,不存在任何存在之物。这个世界及其我们周围的一切,都是上帝的延伸(天行注:弥散,自我展开)。

To help us understand the making of many into one, HaShem gave us the sense of hearing. As an aside, HaShem gave us the human body, with all of its responses, in order to give us intimate insights into HaShem and His creation. If we understand what it means to hear, we can understand what it means to declare HaShem’s oneness.


Hearing is a sense which requires us to assemble the sounds from another person, into a cohesive picture. Thus we would say that hearing is the forming of disparate parts into a single idea or picture. Literally we make many (sounds) into one (idea).


The Shema, which is uttered twice a day by every observant Jew, is an interesting perspective into hearing. Shema is normally translated as “hear”. Our Sages teach us that shema literally means the gathering of many and making them into one. The appropriateness of this definition is brought into sharp distinction when we see that the goal of the shema is that HaShem should be one and His name One.


To help us understand the relationship between HaShem and His oneness, HaShem gave us the Hebrew language. Part of this language is the fact that each letter not only has intrinsic meaning, but each letter also has a numeric value, as we learned in our study of the Hebrew letters. In the following chart, we can see that the numerical value of the Hebrew letters that form echad, whose meaning is one, is thirteen.



Not only does echad=13, but the Hebrew word ahava (love) also has a numerical value of thirteen, as expressed verbally in the Nazarean Codicil:1 Yochanan (John) 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not HaShem; for HaShem is love.

不仅“echad”的数值是13,而且“ahava”(“爱”)这个希伯来词的数值也为13,正如在《拿撒勒典章》中口述的那样:不懂得爱的人,不认识上帝;因为上帝就是爱。(约翰福音 4:8)

Chazal teach that if two words have the same numeric value, then the essential meaning of the two words is the same. The above verse from the Nazarean Codicilgives us another very important relationship:


HaShem is Ahavah 上帝是爱


It follows, therefore, that we become one with HaShem, when we love Him and we love what He has created. Love means unification with the object of our love, and unification with HaShem means a unified heart in belief and devotion.Thus we see that HaShem equals thirteen. Therefore the meaning of thirteen is the oneness and love of HaShem.


The YHVH (HaShem) name has a gematria of 2X13=26.

上帝(HaShem)的名字YHAH,其数字值是 2 乘以 13 等于 26。

Hence, the message of the Shema is: From the very top of creation until the very bottom of creation, even in the darkest, most physical parts of existence, you must know and be real with HaShem's Oneness. There is never a place that HaShem isn't, just places where it is not proper to think about Him. There is never a time when HaShem isn't, just times when He doesn't seem apparent to us.So, thirteen is another way of expressing the unity of HaShem.


Throughout the siddur (prayer book), and Jewish thought, thirteen is used to express HaShem and His oneness. This is made emphatic by the thirteen principles which express the essentials of Jewish belief, which allow us to have an attachment to HaShem and His eternal world. The following list contains Rambam's thirteen principles of faith, which we understand are the minimum requirements of Jewish belief:

在犹太教祈祷书(siddur)和思想体系中,数字 13 常常用来象征上帝的合一。这一点通过表达犹太信仰本质的十三项原则得到了凸显,这些原则使我们能够与“上帝”及其永恒的世界建立紧密联系。以下是拉姆班·迈蒙尼德的十三项信仰原则,它们被认为是犹太信仰的基本要求:

  1. 上帝确实存在。
  2. 上帝是唯一的。
  3. 上帝是无形的。
  4. 上帝是永恒的。
  5. 只向上帝祈祷,不得向其他神明。
  6. 先知的话语真实无误。
  7. 摩西的预言是真实的,且摩西是最伟大的先知。
  8. 犹太教中的《摩西五经》和口传律法是赐予摩西的。
  9. 犹太律法永不改变,也不会被取代。
  10. 上帝洞察人类的一切思想和行为。
  11. 上帝将赏善罚恶。
  12. 弥赛亚将会降临。
  13. 死者将会复活。

Thirteen in the Siddur 十三在祈祷书中

The consistent theme throughout the Shacharit (morning) prayers, is the unification of ourselves with HaShem. We do this with words and with the counting of thirteen. The following lists names some of those prayers with their relationship to thirteen:


In Ribono shel olam: We count out the thirteen attributes of Mercy.

在《万有之主》祷文中,我们列举上帝的 13 条慈爱属性,体现上帝的宽恕和恩典。

In the Baraita of Rabbi Ishmael: We speak of the thirteen principles to Torah exegesis for the remez level.


In Yishtabbach: We count out the thirteen praises of HaShem.


In the Shema: We speak of the Oneness of HaShem.In fact, nearly every prayer addresses our unity in HaShem. The counting of thirteen is done to emphasize His love and His Oneness with His people.

在“示玛”中:我们谈论的是上帝的统一性。实际上,几乎每一篇祈祷都强调了我们在上帝中的统一。数到 13是为了强调他对我们的爱以及他与我们的一体性。

It is desirable to have ten men of bar-mitzva age,before we pray. The meaning of thirteen is mentioned in Mishna Avot 5:26, where we find the source of the well-known Bar-Mitzva concept: A Jewish male is not responsible for mitzva (Torah commands) observance until the age of thirteen. Thus prayer and praying depends on having ten men who are thirteen years or older.

在犹太传统中,祈祷通常需要十位年满十三岁的男性。在《密西拿·先贤言论》5:26 中,“十三”一词暗指了巴尔米兹瓦的概念:犹太男孩在十三岁之后才承担起遵守戒律的责任。因此,祈祷通常需要10位年满十三岁的男性。

As a major part of the prayers of Yom Kippur, we repeatedly mention the thirteen attributes of HaShem’s divine mercy. These thirteen attributes are found in。Let me separate and explain these attributes:

在赎罪日(Yom Kippur)的祈祷中,我们多次提及上帝的十三种神圣慈爱属性。让我分别解释这些属性:

(1) 上帝在人的罪行发生之前就表现出怜悯;

(2) 即使人已经犯罪,上帝依然充满怜悯;

(3) “El”,强大的怜悯之神,赐予万物所需;

(4) “Rachum”,恩慈,使人类免于痛苦;

(5) “Chanun”,恩慈,当人类陷入困境时尤显恩典;

(6) “Erek appayim”,缓于发怒;

(7) “Rab Chesed”,丰盛的慈爱;

(8) “Emet”,真理;

(9) “Notzer Chesed laalafim”,千代人的慈爱守护者;

(10) “Nose 'awon”,宽恕罪孽;

(11) “Nose pesha'”,宽恕过犯;

(12) “Nose Chata'ah”,宽恕罪行;

(13) “Wenakeh”,最终赦免一切。

It is the merit of the recitation of these thirteen attributes, following our teshuva (repentance), that HaShem gives us atonement. Such is the importance of thirteen!From these examples, we can see that the number thirteen is used in Jewish prayer to express the oneness of HaShem and His people.

在忏悔( teshuva )之后,凭借诵念这十三种属性的功德,赐予我们宽恕。由此可见,十三的重要性非同寻常!从这些例子可以看出,数字十三在犹太祈祷中象征着上帝与祂子民的合一,进而成为一个统一体(天行注:这是西方文化的大一统思想,它也强调了“爱”在其中的重要作用)。

本文原文:The Meaning of The Number Thirteen (13)


  1. 一个词中包含的总字母数揭示了关于这个词本身的一些信息。亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各在希伯来语中总共有13个字母。他们的妻子撒拉、利百加、拉结和利亚也有13个字母。
  2. 上帝是“一”(echad),13是希伯来语单词"一"(echad)的数字值。13加13等于26,这是“阿多尼”(Adonai),即上帝神圣名字的数值。难道阿多尼(26)是阳性(13)和阴性(13)之间的平衡吗?
  3. 希伯来圣经共有39卷,是十三的三倍。
  4. 以撒玛利亚人的割礼仪式在13岁时举行。据《塔木德》记载,割礼之约共包含十三项盟约。
  5. 口传律法的基石是《Torat Kohanim》引言中列举的十三条解释原则,这就是为什么《光辉之书》在《创世记》中教导说,数字十三是口传律法的象征。
  6. 长者们在将《托拉》(希伯莱圣经)翻译成希腊语时对文本进行了十三处修改。这个数字代表着翻译过程中不可避免地失去了口传《托拉》,而口传《托拉》是通过十三项解释原则传承下来的。
  7. 十三位哈斯蒙尼人指挥犹太军队推翻了希腊人。这十三位勇敢的男子使犹太民族得以保留口传传统及其十三项原则。
  8. 亚当130岁时生下塞特,并被称为“bidmuto kesalmo”(如同祂的样子)。萨松拉比解释说,130岁指的是亚当达到了认识唯一真神(13)的阶段。
  9. 亚伯拉罕在上帝向他显现并订立契约时是99岁。在创世记17章中,“契约”这个词出现了13次。
  10. 上帝将雅各(以色列祖先)的名字改为以色列,在没有改名之前,雅各名字最后一次出现是创世记35:10,这是《圣经》中雅各名字的第 130 次出现。雅各在法老面前时已经130岁(创世纪47:9)
  11. 大卫王时代的统计人口中,北方王国人口为80万,犹大人口为50万,总计 130 万(撒母耳记下 24:9)。大卫王攻占耶路撒冷并完成宗教改革,宣布犹太教为国教,是以色列的最杰出君主。
  12. 摩西在母亲130岁时受孕出生。他是公元前13世纪的人物,被认为犹太教最伟大的先知。也是旧约五经(创世记》、《出埃及记》、《利未记》、《民数记》、《申命记》)的作者,他实际是犹太教的实质意义的创立者,在基督教和伊斯兰教中也具有极高的地位。(天行补充)
  13. 有些犹太教义暗示13是“新生”的象征。根据一些犹太传统解读,13与弥赛亚的降临有关联。弥赛亚的降临会带来人类灵性的复兴与革新。在神秘的卡巴拉传统中,13象征一体性和统一。这也意味着在弥赛亚降临后,世界上的多元分裂将得到最终和解,达到真正的团结统一。弥赛亚被视为将引导以色列(上帝选民)以及全人类回归上帝,从而实现人与神之间的最终合一。13在这个背景下象征救赎的完成,即分裂的杂多被重新融合在上帝之中(本条来自于ChatGpt4O)。



——傅天行 2024.10.25


  1. 关于本原创生的几个主要观点
  2. 上帝是已经死去了的伟大先祖
  3. 犹太教义认为上帝是十三之象
  4. 永乐大帝朱棣的天命十三之象
  5. 论中国共产党的神秘十三之象
  6. 天行宣诺以及雄安的十三之象
  7. 足以颠覆三观的不可思议神迹
  8. 非常不可思议的神秘数字组合
  9. 天行出生日与出山日的神秘性

作者:傅天行 (咨询可加微信 FWXN1399)

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